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Air Quality Project

Find out how clean our local area is – click here to see our local air quality map
Following on from the brilliant air quality investigations our eco ambassadors have been doing this term, we’re so pleased to announce the launch of the new Redbridge community air quality map!
Our school is contributing to this map, putting up diffusion tubes each month, which test nitrogen dioxide levels in the air (a key urban pollutant). Other diffusion tubes have been put up by residents, so that by working together we can see a detailed picture of air pollution in the area.
Please take a look. It’s so interesting to see where the pollution hots spots are, and which roads are the cleanest around our school.
If you’d like to help by putting up a tube and have a location in mind, please contact the school office or email directly to order a tube. You can put one up at a place that matters to you, such as your balcony or garden, a park or a bus stop you use. Find out how easy it is to put up a tube on this video Setting Up a Diffusion Tube | We Care for Our Air Redbridge
Our 12 Eco Ambassadors also gave an assembly to their parents and Years 3&4 last week about this important project.
We also had a special Bling Your Bike, Bag or Scooter Day to encourage everyone to use a more sustainable way to travel to school.
There are online focus groups running to discuss the campaign resources, and we’d like to hear your thoughts as a parent. Please email to sign up or find out more.
Find out more:‐ We Care for Our Air Redbridge | Let's Talk Redbridge
Community air quality map:
Please follow the project on twitter: @Wecareforourair