Believe in yourself, Learn together, Persevere and Succeed

Sustainable Travel

Barley Lane Primary School Sustainable and Safer Travel

At Barley Lane we encourage pupils, parents and staff to travel actively to school by walking, cycling and scooting wherever possible.

For pupils and staff who are unable to walk, cycle or scoot their whole journey to and from school, we encourage the use of public transport, car share and park and stride.

What are the benefits of active travel?

  • Improves mental health leading to improved attendance and academic success
  • Improves physical health, helping pupils to achieve the recommended minimum of 60 minutes of physical activity per day
  • Promotes independence and improves road safety awareness
  • Reduces congestion and noise in the community
  • Improves air quality around the school

 In order to ensure as many pupils as possible are given the opportunity to realize these benefits we each have an important role to play.