Believe in yourself, Learn together, Persevere and Succeed

Headteacher Awards

Congratulations to the following children who have recently received an award from Mr Henry

Hadjara ‐ Red    Adam ‐ 3A    Mahiya ‐ 6J

Noah ‐ 2Q    Francis ‐ 4B    Izaan ‐ 6J

Hadi ‐ 2Q    Aliesha ‐ 4B    Vaibav ‐ 6J

Suhrud ‐ 2Q     Raza ‐ 5T    Carlos ‐ 6F

Amanda ‐ 2Q    Manseerat ‐ 6N    Aston ‐ 6F

Ejhaz ‐ 2H    Siyana ‐ 6C    Taggal ‐ 6F